SD Confocal

Cell Observer Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope from Zeiss

Cell observer system

Excellent Optics. Image quality without compromises.

Fast and Sensitive Confocal Imaging

The image quality Cell Observer SD is same as Axio Observer and Axio  Examiner. Spinning disk technology from Yokogawa CSU-X1. The dual camera technology of ZEN software. This symbiosis of optics, hardware and  software in one system makes the confocal live cell imaging uniquely  accurate: the Cell Observer SD can be controlled precisely in the  millisecond range.  The two fluorescence channels can be documented and  get even more valuable data.

A tube lens developed by Carl Zeiss especially for Cell Observer SD gives even better color correction and higher contrast.
LCI objectives also work with a correction ring that makes the best  image quality possible under your demanding conditions. Consequently,  DirectFRAP – our solution for laser manipulation – is coupled into the  illumination beam path. This leaves the imaging beam path free of  additional components, delivering uncompromised image quality.

Two Channels simultaneously. A true Cell Observer.

Document and quantify dynamic processes in living samples with the  proven Cell Observer HS technology. Your system reads two  hardware-triggered, highly sensitive cameras simultaneously to give you  the benefit of the highest precision in timing. Observe dynamic cell  processes with high frame rates, thanks to streaming technology.

A Universe of Options. Combine freely to Your Requirements.

Combine Cell Observer SD according to your needs with motorized scanning stages, Z-Piezo inserts, stage-top incubation and DirectFRAP. All  components are seamlessly integrated and managed with millisecond  accuracy. You control environmental conditions when acquiring living  cells with completely software-run incubation.


Product Information (5.7 MB)

DirectFRAP (1 MB)

Lukas Microscope Service, Inc.            25715 N. Hillview Court, Mundelein, IL. 60060            847-673-2600

established in 1931                                  all rights reserved